
Miramare si Trieste

Dupa Vicenza insorita am plecat spre Trieste, pe serpentinele ce strapung stancile de pe malul marii. Din nefericire, vremea nu a fost de partea noastra, norii s-au scuturat si ploaia a continuat sa cada fara oprire. Totusi drumul nu a fost deloc plictisitor, arce de piatra se deschideau in fata noastra, iar panorama era mereu minunata.

After sunny Vicenza, we headed towards Trieste, on the lacet road that cuts through the sea front cliffs. Unfortunately, the weather was against us, the clouds kept tossing away drops of rain ceaselessly. Nevetheless, the trip was undoubtfully not dull, stone arches opened ahead of us and the panorama was blissful.

De cele mai multe ori, privind spre coasta vedeam locuinte de lux, dar supriza cea mai mare a fost castelul Miramare:

Most of the times, looking towards the sea front, we saw luxury housing, but the greatest surprise was Miramare castle:

Situat pe un promontoriu,cu peretii invaluiti in lumina apusului tarziu, castelul ne duce cu gandul la picturile romanticilor.

Situated on a promontory, with its walls bathed by the late sunset light, the castle takes us back in time to the romantic paintings era.

Pe coasta se zaresc in departare luminile orasului Trieste.
On the shore, Trieste city lights are glistening.

Pe masura ce ne apropiem de castel ii putem observa frumoasele detalii arhitecturale inspirate din arhitectura britanica si austriaca- pentru ca aici a locuit insasi frumoasa Sissi.

As we approach the castle, we can observe its beautiful architectural details, inspired by British and Austrian architecture- for here, Sissi herself had spent summers.

Era prea tarziu pentru a putea vizita interiorul, asa ca am ales sa inconjuram castelul si sa vedem marea asa cum o vedea Sissi, la apus, din logie.
It was too late to be able to visit the interior, so we chose to go around the castle and to see the sea as Sissi did, at sunset, from the loggia.

Dupa o plimbare prin ploaia care continua sa cada, ne-am indreptat spre gradinile castelului.
After a stroll through the uninterrupted rain, we headed to the gardens.

Privelistea ce ni se dezvaluie este de o mare frumusete: un copac aplecat deasupra apei, ca in pictura lui Camille Corot, un amurg indulcit de ploaie si un parc ce coboara spre mare, de unde probabil puteai sa iti continui plimbarea cu barca.

The view that unfolds in front of our eyes is beyond beauty: a tree is leaning above the water, like Camille Corot' s "Leaning tree", a gloaming light, softened by the rain drops and the park descending towards the sea, from where one could probably continue the promenade in a boat.

Parcul amenajat in terase si succesiuni de trepte pastreaza detalii clasice : este marginit de colonade si arcaturi, la intersectiile aleilor se afla urne cu aloe ...si deasupra tuturor se ridica maiestuos castelul. Desi nu are dimensiuni mari, grandoarea lui este subliniata de amenajarea gradinii ce coboara abrupt spre mare.

The park, organised in terraces and suceeding steps conserves classical details: it is bounded by colonades, sequences of arches, alleys' intersections marked by aloe pots..and above all rises majestically the castle. Although not so large in size, its grandeur is emphasized by the gardens' arrangement that steepen towards the sea.
Suprapus peste zgomotul picaturilor ce cad peste umbrela, susurul unei fantani atrage atentia. Un gest bland este surprins cu delicatete in marmura.

Superposed over the rain dropping on the umbrella sound, the murumur of a fountain draws the attention. A warm gesture is delicately seizes in marble.
Am spionat putin si interiorul, vazand un simbol interesant pe tapet: ancora si coroana.
We also spyed outa little the interior, seeing an interesting symbol on the tapestry: the anchor and the crown.
Am mers apoi in portul Trieste - deja sosise intunericul.
We went then to the Triest port- darkenss had already taken over.

Ambarcatiunile se leganau sub ploaie, poleite de lumina.
Boats were heaving under the rain, glazed by artificial light.
Am avut ocazia sa admiram in trecere si centrul orasului:
We also could admire the centre of the town, while passing by.
Capatul de perspectiva este bursa veche.
Dupa cele doua opriri aveam de recuperat multi kilometri, urmand sa traversam Slovenia, asa ca am decis sa nu mai zabovim in Trieste. Dar cu siguranta, merita sa revenim, mai sunt multe de descoperit.


coco said...

am fost la Trieste...acum...muuulti ani :) , chiar mi-ar face placere sa merg iar !

Zazuza's Gulaschsuppe said...

superbe fotografii! ca de fiecare data! ce plimbare virtuala pe cinste ne oferi!

oq said...

Multumiri!ma bucur tare mult ca v-au placut.