
Vicenza, semplicemente bella

After a night when our GPS lead us in the middle of a corn field, but all ended happily with the help of mummy's friend who took us to the city and surroundings the next day, we managed to get to the old centre of Vicenza and admire the beautiful squares and conserved architecture. Dupa o noapte in care gps-ul ne-a dus pe un drum printre ferme pana in lanul de porumb, dar care s-a terminat fericit cu ajutorul unei prietene care ne-a ajutat sa descoperim orasul si imprejurimile a doua zi, am reusit sa ajungem in centrul Vicenzei si sa admiram frumoasele piete si arhitectura perfect conservata.
Narrow streets opened in squares, coffee shops everywhere-we had italian espresso: tiny cups, a drop of coffee "devoured" at the bar, standing(no stopping and sitting al all). Stradutele inguste se deschideau in piete, peste tot erau cafenele unde am baut espresso in stil italian: o ceascuta cu cafea, nu foarte tare,"devorata" rapid de la tejghea (fara sa ne oprim la masa, asa cum se obisnuieste la noi).
We were delighted to see the old theatre, the vegetation climbing up the old brick walls and the elegant statues adorning the parks and gardens. Am fost incantati de frumosul teatru, de vegetatia care imbraca zidurile de caramida si de frumoasele statui care impodobesc parcurile si gradinile.
The architect's statue-Palladio, overlooked with grandeur one of the squares. His figure stated rigour, perfectionist spirit. Statuia Arhitectului- Palladio, domina una din piete, figura lui lasand sa se subinteleaga rigurozitatea, spiritul perfectionist.
The espresso break was always welcome: offered a moment to observe the restlessness in the town: on the same crowded street, over wich tall ancient buildings cast their big shadows, people in a hurry passing on foot and bicycle intersected their ways. Pauza de espresso era mereu binevenita, ne oferea ragaz sa observam agitatia din oras: pe aceleasi stradute intortocheate, umbrite de cladiri inalte, cu peretii aramii, se intersectau pietoni si bicilisti grabiti.
From place to place, under a portico, on a wall, at an entrance or in a patio, the locals' aesthethic sense was emphasized: bas-relief, mosaic, wrought iron details, statues in small apses or vases with plants flaunted their beautiful proportions, textures, and abundance of colours thrilling the eye. Din loc in loc, pe sub un portic, pe un perete, la o intrare sau intr-un patio, dorinta de frumos a localnicilor iesea in evidenta: basoreliefuri, mozaic, detalii din fier forjat, statui in firide sau vase cu plante isi etalau proportiile, texturile si abundenta de culori placute ochiului
Tipically italian architectural element, loggia, is visible on most facades, many times invaded by ivy, displaying crockery and statues. Element arhitectural tipic italian, loggia se regaseste la cele mai multe locuinte, de multe ori invadata de iedera si decorata cu vase si statui.
Italian craftsmen are definetely artful. Whether they are jewelers, blacksmiths, they do everything gracefully. Mesterii italieni sunt cu siguranta dintre cei mai priceputi. Fie ei bijutieri sau fierari, stiu sa faca totul cu gratie:
Vicenza is a rather small town, peaceful and quiet and has many sqares, places to meet and chat or sit under the warm Italian sun to read a book on a bench. Oras nu foarte mare, linistit, Vicenza are multe piete, locuri de intalnire sau de zabovit pe o banca la soare :
Patios are spectacular: light infiltrating inside is not so strong, so that in summer they are real oasis where you can chill in the subtle shadow. The stone mosaic pavement and forests of colonnades surround you. Curtile interioare sunt deseori spectaculoase: lumina care ajunge in aceste spatii nu este la fel de puternica, pe timpul verii sunt adevarate oaze de racoare si umbra, de multe ori pavate cu piatra sau mozaicuri complicate, marginite de colonade elegante.
Everything is somehow familiar: narrow streets, crowded houses, small coffee shops, friendly and joyful people, welcoming squares-even for children...Totul este cumva familiar: stradutele sunt stramte, casele cumva inghesuite, cafenelele mici, oamenii prietenosi si deschisi, pietele sunt primitoare, chiar si pentru copii
On our way back, an even better surprise, somehow according to the "frozen in time" atmoshpere of the town:... Iar pe drumul de intoarcere, o surpriza si mai frumoasa, cumva in ton cu atmosfera "inghetata in timp" a orasului...

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